In this tutorial, we are going to learn C# Attributes, C# Reflection, C# Type,
C# Attributes and Reflection
An attribute is an abstract class that can be used to get more information about classes, methods, parameters, etc. at runtime using Reflection. I do not want to bother you with definitions. Let's start by analyzing a simple class. Then we will discover information about System.Attribute, System.Type, System.String using reflection. You can find all the information in the output generated when I run the code.
public class Calculator
public int MyProperty { get; set; }
public Calculator()
Console.WriteLine("I'm a calculator");
public int Square(int number) => number*number;
public int Cube(int number) => number * number * number;
public void Print() => Console.WriteLine("What are you doing?");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Let's analyse Calculator class\n");
Type calculator = typeof(Calculator);
string MethodInfoResult = "";
foreach (MethodInfo item in calculator.GetRuntimeMethods())
MethodInfoResult += $"Name: {item.Name}";
MethodInfoResult += $"\nIsPublic: {item.IsPublic}\n----- parameters-----";
if (item.GetParameters().Length>0&& item.ReturnParameter!=null)
foreach (var param in item.GetParameters())
MethodInfoResult += $"\nParameter: {param}\tParameterType: {param.ParameterType}";
MethodInfoResult += $"\nReturnType: {item.ReturnType}\tReturnValue:{item.ReturnParameter}";
MethodInfoResult += "\nParameters not found";
MethodInfoResult += $"\nThis is a public method: {item.IsPublic}";
MethodInfoResult += "\n----------------------------------------\n";
MethodInfoResult += $"\n--------Fields-----";
foreach (var fields in calculator.GetFields())
MethodInfoResult += $"\nPropertyName: {fields.Name}\tPropertyType: {fields.FieldType}";
This is a public method: True
Name: set_ThisIsAProperty
IsPublic: True
----- parameters-----
Parameter: Int32 value ParameterType: System.Int32
ReturnType: System.Void ReturnValue:Void
Name: Square
IsPublic: True
----- parameters-----
Parameter: Int32 number ParameterType: System.Int32
ReturnType: System.Int32 ReturnValue:Int32
Name: Cube
IsPublic: True
----- parameters-----
Parameter: Int32 number ParameterType: System.Int32
ReturnType: System.Int32 ReturnValue:Int32
Name: Print
IsPublic: True
----- parameters-----
Parameters not found
This is a public method: True
Name: GetType
IsPublic: True
----- parameters-----
Parameters not found
This is a public method: True
Name: MemberwiseClone
IsPublic: False
----- parameters-----
Parameters not found
This is a public method: False
Name: Finalize
IsPublic: False
----- parameters-----
Parameters not found
This is a public method: False
Name: ToString
IsPublic: True
----- parameters-----
Parameters not found
This is a public method: True
Name: Equals
IsPublic: True
----- parameters-----
Parameter: System.Object obj ParameterType: System.Object
ReturnType: System.Boolean ReturnValue:Boolean
Name: GetHashCode
IsPublic: True
----- parameters-----
Parameters not found
This is a public method: True
PropertyName: ThisIsAField PropertyType: System.String
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Let's analyse Attribute abstract class under System.Reflection class\n");
Type obj = typeof(Attribute);
string MethodInfoResult = "";
foreach (MethodInfo item in obj.GetRuntimeMethods())
MethodInfoResult += $"Name:{item.Name}\tNumberofParameters: {item.GetParameters().Length}\tReturnType: {item.ReturnType}\n" +
$"DeclaringType: {item.DeclaringType}\tIsPrivate: {item.IsPrivate}\tIsPublic: {item.IsPublic}\n" +
$"Type: {item.GetType().GetTypeInfo()}";
if (item.GetParameters().Length > 0)
string itemParams = "";
foreach (var param in item.GetParameters())
itemParams += $"\nParam: {param}\tParamType: {param.ParameterType}";
MethodInfoResult += itemParams;
MethodInfoResult += "\n----------------------------------------\n";
Let's analyse Attribute abstract class under System.Reflection class
Name:InternalGetCustomAttributes NumberofParameters: 3 ReturnType: System.Attribute[]
DeclaringType: System.Attribute IsPrivate: True IsPublic: False
Type: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
Param: System.Reflection.PropertyInfo element ParamType: System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
Param: System.Type type ParamType: System.Type
Param: Boolean inherit ParamType: System.Boolean
Name:InternalIsDefined NumberofParameters: 3 ReturnType: System.Boolean
DeclaringType: System.Attribute IsPrivate: True IsPublic: False
Type: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
Param: System.Reflection.PropertyInfo element ParamType: System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
Param: System.Type attributeType ParamType: System.Type
Param: Boolean inherit ParamType: System.Boolean
Name:GetParentDefinition NumberofParameters: 2 ReturnType: System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
DeclaringType: System.Attribute IsPrivate: True IsPublic: False
Type: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
Param: System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property ParamType: System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
Param: System.Type[] propertyParameters ParamType: System.Type[]
Name:InternalGetCustomAttributes NumberofParameters: 3 ReturnType: System.Attribute[]
DeclaringType: System.Attribute IsPrivate: True IsPublic: False
Type: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
Param: System.Reflection.EventInfo element ParamType: System.Reflection.EventInfo
Param: System.Type type ParamType: System.Type
Param: Boolean inherit ParamType: System.Boolean
Name:GetParentDefinition NumberofParameters: 1 ReturnType: System.Reflection.EventInfo
DeclaringType: System.Attribute IsPrivate: True IsPublic: False
Type: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
Param: System.Reflection.EventInfo ev ParamType: System.Reflection.EventInfo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Let's analyse System.Type derived from IReflect and MemberInfo class\n");
Type obj = typeof(Type);
string MethodInfoResult = "";
foreach (MethodInfo item in obj.GetRuntimeMethods())
MethodInfoResult += $"Name:{item.Name}\tNumberofParameters: {item.GetParameters().Length}\tReturnType: {item.ReturnType}\n" +
$"DeclaringType: {item.DeclaringType}\tIsPrivate: {item.IsPrivate}\tIsPublic: {item.IsPublic}\n" +
$"Type: {item.GetType().GetTypeInfo()}";
if (item.GetParameters().Length > 0)
string itemParams = "";
foreach (var param in item.GetParameters())
itemParams += $"\nParam: {param}\tParamType: {param.ParameterType}";
MethodInfoResult += itemParams;
MethodInfoResult += "\n----------------------------------------\n";
If you read this post, probably you are familiar with System.String. Now, let's discover it again using reflection.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Let's analyse System.String class\n");
Type obj = typeof(String);
string MethodInfoResult = "";
foreach (MethodInfo item in obj.GetRuntimeMethods())
MethodInfoResult += $"Name:{item.Name}\tNumberofParameters: {item.GetParameters().Length}\tReturnType: {item.ReturnType}\n" +
$"DeclaringType: {item.DeclaringType}\tIsPrivate: {item.IsPrivate}\tIsPublic: {item.IsPublic}\n" +
$"Type: {item.GetType().GetTypeInfo()}";
if (item.GetParameters().Length > 0)
string itemParams = "";
foreach (var param in item.GetParameters())
itemParams += $"\nParam: {param}\tParamType: {param.ParameterType}";
MethodInfoResult += itemParams;
MethodInfoResult += "\n----------------------------------------\n";
Let's analyse System.String class
Name:Replace NumberofParameters: 4 ReturnType: System.String
DeclaringType: System.String IsPrivate: False IsPublic: True
Type: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
Param: System.String oldValue ParamType: System.String
Param: System.String newValue ParamType: System.String
Param: Boolean ignoreCase ParamType: System.Boolean
Param: System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture ParamType: System.Globalization.CultureInfo
Name:Replace NumberofParameters: 3 ReturnType: System.String
DeclaringType: System.String IsPrivate: False IsPublic: True
Type: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
Param: System.String oldValue ParamType: System.String
Param: System.String newValue ParamType: System.String
Param: System.StringComparison comparisonType ParamType: System.StringComparison
Name:ReplaceCore NumberofParameters: 4 ReturnType: System.String
DeclaringType: System.String IsPrivate: True IsPublic: False
Type: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
Param: System.String oldValue ParamType: System.String
Param: System.String newValue ParamType: System.String
Param: System.Globalization.CompareInfo ci ParamType: System.Globalization.CompareInfo
Param: System.Globalization.CompareOptions options ParamType: System.Globalization.CompareOptions