We talked about fields, properties, classes, encapsulation, getter and setter methods. Now it's time to do some exercises. Let's create a basic project named Rent a Bike.
Rent a Bike
We need a User class, a Bicycle class, a Renting class.
Each user should have a first name, last name and an id. User class: (private int)id, (private string)first name, (private string)last name, getters and setters. Each bicycle has an id, a brand name, a model, a rim and gears. Bicycle class: (private int)id, (private string)brand name, (private string)model, (private string)rim size, (private int)gears, getters and setters. The last class is a renting class that has the properties following. Renting class: bicycle, userName, time, price, starting time, getters, setters, StartRenting(), EndRenting(), DebtCalculator(), ToString().
After explaining c# abstract classes and interfaces to you, we will develop this project again using abstract classes and interfaces.
Do not forget to read the comments inside the code blocks!
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
User user1 = new User("Bob","Marley","5555555");
User user2 = new User("George", "Alsion", "666666");
User user3 = new User("Michelle", "Larison", "7777777");
Bicycle bicycle = new Bicycle("MBI", "sport", "18", 21);
Bicycle bicycle2 = new Bicycle("F1", "Race", "41", 28);
Bicycle bicycle3 = new Bicycle("Toyota", "retro", "18", 8);
Renting rent1 = new Renting(user1, bicycle);
Renting rent2 = new Renting(user1, bicycle);
Renting rent3 = new Renting(user1, bicycle);
User Class
class User {
// We count the number of users and give them a unique id.
static int count = 0;
private int _id = 0;
private string _firstName;
private string _lastName;
private string _tel;
// This is a constructor.
public User(string firstName, string lastName, string tel)
count += 1;
this._id += count;
this._firstName = firstName;
this._lastName = lastName;
this._tel = tel;
public int Id { get => _id; }
// If the value is not null or empty and is not null or white space, we change _firstName.
public string FirstName
get => _firstName; set
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)))
_firstName = value;
public string LastName { get => _lastName; set
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)))
_lastName = value;
public string Tel { get => _tel; set {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)))
_tel = value;
} }
Bicycle Class
class Bicycle {
static int bicycleCount = 0;
private int _id = 0;
private string _brand;
private string _model;
private string _rimSize;
private int _numberOfGears;
public Bicycle(string brand, string model, string rimSize, int numberOfGears)
bicycleCount = +1;
_id = bicycleCount;
Brand = brand;
Model = model;
RimSize = rimSize;
NumberOfGears = numberOfGears;
public string Brand { get => _brand; set => _brand = value; }
public string Model { get => _model; set => _model = value; }
public string RimSize { get => _rimSize; set => _rimSize = value; }
public int NumberOfGears { get => _numberOfGears; set => _numberOfGears = value; }
Renting Class
class Renting {
static int totalRentedBicycle = 0;
private int _id;
private User _user;
private Bicycle _bicycle;
private TimeSpan _usedTime;
private double _charge =0;
private DateTime _start;
private DateTime _finish;
public Renting( User user, Bicycle bicycle)
totalRentedBicycle += 1;
this._id = totalRentedBicycle;
this._user = user;
this._bicycle = bicycle;
public void StartRenting()
this._start = DateTime.Now;
public void EndRenting()
this._finish = DateTime.Now;
public double DebtCalculator()
TimeSpan diff = _finish - _start;
return diff.Seconds * 0.5;
public override string ToString()
return $"Started at: {this._start}\nFinished at:{this._finish}\n Debt: {DebtCalculator()}";